Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Nir is Far blog update

As you may have noticed, I got way behind on my blog. Big shout out to those people who insisted that I start back up (especially John). I've now gone back and written entries for everywhere that I have been. If you want to catch up from where I left off, start with Cairo and work your way from there.

I've been catching up at the hostel in Cordoba, Argentina and all the people here think that I'm an Internet-addicted loser who doesn't go outside. Tomorrow is my last day in Cordoba so I'll try to take advantage.

I'm flying from Sao Paulo to Washington, DC on May 13th for the official end of my trip.

Thanks for reading guys and keep the comments coming :)

1 comment:

Doug said...

Hey, loved reading about your travels. Hope we can catch up when you get back.

Doug Ramsay