Ah the British museum - the largest collection of stolen goods in the world. The British scoured the world for local priceless natural treasures and jacked them. Is your treasure attached to a building? No problem mate - we'll hack it off and take it anyway! Admittedly it is pretty cool that you can see treasures from all over the world without leaving a building. Friezes from the parthenon, Egyptian mummies, and assyrian man-horses are some of the coolest. And it reminds you that the sun never set on the British empire. Are you a foreign government with the quaint notion that your national treasures should reside in your own country? We regret to inform you that we can take better care
of your artifacts than you can. Besides we're facilitating cross-cultural understanding. But we'll be sure to get back to you when we give a bloody damn what you think. Cheers!
This is probably one of my fave entries... These are great Nir. Keep them coming! We miss you :-(
Interesting to know.
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